Perl (.pm/.pl) Script Upload
For a seamless obfuscation of your perl scripts, please abide by the following rules:
- Ensure your perl script is properly named:
- All perl scripts submitted must have the .pl extension:
- Avoid spaces in the names of your scripts:
- my fantastic
- When the "Obfuscate Now" button is clicked, be aware of the following:
- The download page will be opened in a new tab or window, depending on your browser.
- The obfuscated script will be in a zip file, under link titled "Zip Link".
NOTE: All obfuscated scripts generated through this free portal will expire within 24 to 48 hours.
For subscribers:
In the space provided for User List, specify the comma seperated list of usernames you wish to grant access to your encrypted scripts. Note, the username(s) provided during encryption will be only usernames able to run the encrypted script(s). The script will not function for any other user!
For subscribers:
In the space provided for Host List, specify the comma seperated list of hostnames(fqdns) you wish to grant access to your encrypted scripts. Note, the hostname(s) provided during encryption will be only hosts on which the encrypted script(s) can be run. The script(s) will not function on any other host!
For subscribers:
In the space provided, specify when you wish for your script to expire.
- 7d = 7 Days
- 2w = 2 Weeks
- 4mo = 4 Months
- 7000d = 19+ Years
- July-18-2022_15:00 = Specific date
If no option is selected, the default option will be "off". Which means your script will not expire!
In the space provided for Function names, specify the comma seperated list of functions you wish to protect, if using RStudio/Rconsole.
Choose 'no' (recommended) to disable the ability to debug your encrypted script
This setting forces your protected perl script to validate itself with our servers before allowing users to run it.
- NOTE: If an attempt is made to run a satelite enabled obfuscated perl script on a host without internet connectivity, the script will abort.
To ensure your obfuscated scripts can only be imported from other obfuscated scripts, configure the following settings:
- Unique Company Name = Set this to your companyname....(.i.e.,,
- Import Access Key = Set a password here to be assigned to all scripts being encrypted
- Note, this is only needed if Admin Imports and Allowed Importers have values. Do not enter anything here if you're not encrypting imported modules
- Admin Imports = Specify the names of the main/master scripts which will be importing other scripts
- Allowed Importers = Specify here the names of other scripts which the main/master scripts will be importing
Currently available only for Subscribers: